Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Sick for the WEEK

When I wrote the last post, Maddie was taking her routine 2-4PM nap. She had just gone down -- no fever -- and was having a good old time before that. So midway through her nap, being excited that her fever was finally gone, I had decided to provide an update.

Long story short, she was NOT rounding the corner. She woke up with quite the fever. Took her to pediatrician for a 5:30PM appointment... by 7PM we were at outpatient for chest x-rays... by 8:30PM she officially had pneumonia in her left lung... by 9PM we had an antibiotic that we were hoping was the cure-all. Let's just say it was a stressful night, she woke up at 2AM with another high fever... we gave her some motrin, stayed up with her until she was back to normal, and then had a tough night's sleep.

There is very good news to report.... thankfully we are seeing some fantastic results from the antibiotic. When she woke up at 2AM Tuesday morning, that was her last fever. She is much more playful and staying hydrated... not much going on with her appetite though.

Maddie's going to be at home with us all week. We have a followup appointment on Friday for the official word.


Grandma said...

Grandma expects daily updates until Maddie is pronounced "cured".
It is so difficult not to be there to give her a big hug!

Jeremy said...

Glad to hear she seems to have broken the fever. Keep us updated!

DanF said...

Wednesday was another tough day for her. Maddie's stomach didn't respond well to the antibiotic.

Wednesday afternoon she told me her belly hurt -- the popsicle supply had been depleted -- so I had no choice but to load up the kids and take a speedy trip to the grocery store.

So picture this. I'm walking into the entry way of the grocery store -- Madison in my left hand and Dylan's car seat around the other, right about this point I'm feeling like the #1 Dad... juggling two kids, about to get them in the cart, and then save the day for my princess with the popsicle purchase....

...then, before I could get them in the cart, and without ample warning...

I quickly learned what the root cause of the belly ache was... and it was on Madison, all over me, and Dylan's car seat. The situation was quickly remedied by the pity taken on me from nearby moms who witnessed this spectacle.

The rest of Wednesday night yielded the same results, but in the confines of our home.

Story-telling aside, it was another very stressful night. Now we were concerned about dehydration.

Thursday - she was on fluids all day, without incident.

Today - Solids and fluids, without incident. Check-up with doctor went smooth, and she's doing much better.

Mom said...

Although it wasn't amusing at the time, your description made me laugh. You should publish a children's book! Happy that Maddie's better.