Sunday, January 31, 2010

Limbs Akimbo

Maddie received an MP3 player for Christmas which came preloaded with about 15 songs, and I listen to all of them at least 2-3 hours each day, I have to admit -- I rather enjoy a few of them... with my personal favorite, "Limbs Akimbo".

I sing along where I can, and then today I realized -- I had no clue what this song title even meant?  Foreign language maybe?  or just a word that's not in my arsenal?

With a 2-year-plus-8-month-old daughter and a 5 month old son, life can get kind of repetitive on the weekends, sort of a do-loop -- I am always looking for something new to do.  So I jumped at the exciting opportunity to further explore the word "Akimbo".  With a clear definition in hand, I could confidently sing along and teach my daughter at the same time.  Here you have it:

Akimbo:  is a human body position in which the hands are on the hips and the elbows are bowed outward, or bent/bowed in a more general sense

...and the song link to boot.  There's a flute solo in this one that puts Ron Burgundy to shame.

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