Saturday, January 23, 2010


For the past few weeks, Maddie has coined the term "Nanick".... and the best part is, only she knows what it means! Cathy and I have been trying to break the code on this word from day 1. We think it's related to a drink. Every now and then with her milk, she'll stop mid sip, and then blurt out -- "Nanick!".

When we ask her for a clear definition... no response. We honestly believe that she knows that we don't know, and she wants to keep it that way!

At one point, I thought I had decoded her elaborate word. Sometimes her sippy cup makes a squeaking noise when she's drinking it, and most of the time when it does, she'll say "Nanick!". Hence the definition of Nanick: squeaky noise generated from a sippy cup... but then she used her term without the squeaky noise present, and the speculation continued -- perhaps she's playing mind games with us.

Cathy's stab at the definition: bubbles, on top of a cup of milk. This one still has a chance, albeit a small one...

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