Saturday, February 9, 2013

Snow Day


We had a decent amount of snow hit over night Thursday, roughly 5".  By Metro Detroit standards, this is quite a bit -- I was impressed with the cleanup, almost up to Buffalo standards in terms of the speed that the roads were navigable.  Nonetheless, the schools needed to crank through some "off" days, so they had their 2nd snow day of the year on Friday as well.  

Too bad their boots and snow pants were still at school -- they keep that stuff at school for the week and usually bring it back home after classes on Friday.  Luckily Mom decided to reach out to some of our neighbors after work to see what hand-me-downs might be available, we struck gold!  After dinner we headed out,  Dylan only lasted about 10 minutes -- Madison, well she would spend the night out there if she could, I called her my little polar bear.

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