Wednesday, February 13, 2013

From Swimming to Skating

Since the start of the year, each week, the kids have been going to swim class and open skate at the local rink.  You cannot tell it's the winter time by looking at the first pic, well maybe you can if you do your detective work and notice the winter coats hanging in the background... what I was going to say is, it's a nice contrast between pictures -- summer to winter, every weekend.  I like going to the pool class to pretend it's a different (warmer) season, but alas, when it's over I open the door to leave and walk out to the car in the bitter cold.  By the time I close the doors to the car, Mom has a tissue in hand to wipe the bodily fluids flowing out of our kids nostrils.  Fortunately, Spring is almost here... Punxsutawney Phil said so.

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