Friday, September 23, 2011

Back to the beach

This time with Grandma and Uncle Jeremy, of course all the photos are of our kids... perhaps I can get some more photos of the trip sent my way from the other active cameras.  We stayed at the same place we took the kids a couple weeks back and had great weather. 

The ride to the beach is part of the experience as well, mountains, tunnels... 2 unsupervised donkeys crossing the road, you know, your standard trip.  From what I understand, Grandma and Uncle Jeremy had another Brazilian transportation experience on their way back to the airport -- the two hour car ride morphed into four, traffic in this country is hit or miss.  One day it's smooth sailing, the next, you creep going 5 mph for a 10 mile strip... luckily they made it to their plane as the doors were closing.

1 comment:

Mom said...

Dan & Cathy planned the perfect Brazilian experience for us: S.Am. wine, Caipirinha, maracuja, kilo restaurant, beach, churrasca (steak house), insane driving. How they staged the drive to the airport & our run to our gate with our own security escort as boarding was closed is beyond me! No one spoke English-we pointed to time on our itinerary & said HELP & security took it from there. Dan frequently told us we needed that Brazilian experience to get something done without speaking the language. So our vacation concluded with an exciting experience using a few Portuguese words & a lot of pointing! Thanks for a wonderful time.