Saturday, April 23, 2011

Expanding her palate

Here are a couple random shots on the couch before bed -- needed to get Dylan in a couple pics before I spent some time writing about Maddie.  So we received Maddie's first report card for the 3rd quarter -- the report out was a good one.  I have to say it's a very thorough summary (for a 3Y10M17d old kid) that breaks down and rates the following high level areas:
  • Social and Emotional Growth
  • Practical Life/Hygiene and Self Development
  • Work Habits
  • Fine Motor Skills
  • Learning Centers
  • Oral Language/Comprehension
  • Science/Social Studies
  • Sensorial/Math Readiness
  • Religion
  • Movement
  • Physical Education
  • Art
  • Music
  • Attendance
There are about 5 line items for each of those high level areas -- making up about 60 total lines supported by a grade.  One line did get an N (for "Needs Attention"), it was:  Tries new food without hesitance.  This one does not come as a surprise, it's been quite the challenge at home with her lately as well.... of course I did not expand my own palate until 5 years ago.  I'm glad I finally did and at the same time upset that I waited so many years -- so this is one area where I hope to wipe the "Needs Attention" off of her report card so Maddie can enjoy all sorts of tasty food in the future.

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