Friday, January 21, 2011

Week in review

Haven't had much time in the past week to snap any new pics -- I'll have to get on that this weekend.  We do have cars now and finally hit the crazy roads... not too bad, just have to get used to it.  Other than that, Madison starts school in about a week and from that point I'm sure I will have more to talk about.  Dylan's been himself, non-stop action.  Oh yeah, there was one incident.  Last night (around 9pm) we had just put the kids into bed and sat down to relax.  The night before was one of little sleep for the entire family, so getting to sit down at 9pm couldn't come soon enough.  We had prepared a couple bowls of
chocolate/coconut ice cream (which is delish) when we heard a pop noise in the kitchen... followed by the sound of water flowing onto the kitchen floor.  The water line to the fridge burst... 15 minutes later we found the shutoff valve.  We had about a half inch of water on the floor -- no damage -- but about an hour long cleanup session followed (we had two maintenance guys helping us too).  Fast forward 24 hours, now it's relaxation time.

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