Monday, January 17, 2011

The great outdoors

We were recently informed by our friends down here about the potential for a certain type of spider that could be lurking in a cluster of bananas at a grocery store, cleverly named - the banana spider.  While I rate this as a very low risk threat, it turns out there are other more likely run ins with the Brazilian wildlife that just might occur.  The very family that informed us about the banana spider (and have been living here for ~4 months) had a visitor in their apartment this evening.  Cathy stopped by to drop something off and they had just quarantined one of their rooms -- they live a few buildings over from us on the second floor.  The 2nd floor is right in the thick of the forrest and almost within arm’s reach of the trees.  Their project for the evening -- get lizard out of the apartment.  The critter was apparently over a foot and Cathy had left before they removed the unwelcome guest.  I'm looking forward to the story tomorrow!

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