Wednesday, September 8, 2010


The tape measure isn't legible from this pic but you get the point.  The picture above is:

(a)  A polar bear claw
(b)  A caveman club
(c)  A dressing that was put on after surgery, which was after a temporary cast and also after ace bandages... and as of today, now in an official cast
(d)  Painful
(e)  Free pass(es) for guys' night out (redeemable upon cast removal)
(f)  The 2nd of 4 family members in a cast
(g)  All of the above

Cathy announced her (first) retirement from soccer after this injury.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like Bledsoe! When's the comeback?

Anonymous said...

I meant Favre! Bflo QB's on my mind. Anyone would be better than who we have.

DanF said...

Good thing you kept that comment amomymous.

amomymous said...

Very funny!