Thursday, August 5, 2010

For Your Entertainment

A couple of funny stories recently, compliments of the princess:


Madison was playing with a pair of toy scissors -- cutting one of her baby doll's hair:

     Mom:  Hey Maddie, why don't you try to cut Dad's hair?

     Maddie:  I can't, he has crumbs on his head!


Driving in the car with Madison -- just Daddy and the Princess -- it was a warm morning, probably 75 degrees:

     Madison:  Dad, can you roll the window down please?

     Dad:  Of course.

     Madison:  Thank you.  Dad?  Can you play a song?

     Dad:  Of course, which one would do you want to hear?

     Madison:  Who Let the Dogs Out, please.

     Dad:  You got it!

     Madison:  Dad?  I can't hear it.  Can you turn it up.

     Dad:  Yes my princess.

     Madison:  Thank you.  

Madison sat back and sang for the rest of the ride.  Minutes later I pull up to a red light, windows down, and I turned and made eye contact with the person in the car next to me... at this point, Celebration (by Kool and the Gang) is blasting from my car into the Summer air -- Celebration is next in the queue after Who Let the Dogs Out -- I just nodded my head in acceptance.  Accepting that yes, I (now) know I have my windows down and Celebration is jamming!  The windows (of course) stayed down for the rest of the trip.

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