Not sure if this really fits the theme for the blog, but I couldn't resist. Facebook really offers up some good humor on a daily basis, I don't really actively participate on this social networking website (aside from posting a pic here and there of my kids)... but rather enjoy how much information people spill about themselves -- intentionally and unintentionally. Status update (as typed) from one of my "friends" (via Mobile Web Device):
On transit road in the construction zone… There is a man driving next to me driving slow and reading the buffalo newspaper on his steering wheel. Grey Suzuki liscense plate ### ### haha
Friend #1 Comment: Lol! I hate people!!
This was posted 8 hours ago today. In approximately 1 minute I was asking myself:
1) Do I really need to state the obvious!?
2) They stared long enough to know this guy was reading the Buffalo newspaper!?
3) This person has 470 "friends". There's only ONE comment thus far? Not even one jab?
The old me would have jumped immediately on this with one of my usual remarks... perhaps say: You are texting from the passenger seat I presume... but I have learned in my old age, now it's more of an experiment. I want to see if just one of the 469 calls this person out. Seriously though, it really isn't funny. Quick analysis:
First, I would say this does fit in with the theme of this blog... consider this a Public Service Announcement on safe driving habits -- this is proof of the typical fool(s) behind the wheel that we share the road with. Drive carefully, but more importantly, look out for fools!
Her friend finds it funny that she publicly declared his license plate to the now informed Facebook audience, and hates people... but it's OK to text this Facebook broadcast while driving.
Why the need to even share this on Facebook? Is anyone actually going to look up this fool's license plate and notify someone? What service was really done here? Instead of ONE fool for us to look out for on the road, we have TWO. If you really wanted to make a statement you should roll your window down and call this guy out to his face!
I could go on forever about the Facebook generation and probably will post more comments on this in the future. Sure you can say: well you're "friends" with this person! ...and to that, my only defense -- at least they spelled liscense the right way! To my real defense -- I have been making cuts to my "friends" list, but at the same time I need a decent amount of fb status updates for my daily dosage of unintentional entertainment.
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