Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The Potty Saga

The stories with this one are countless at this point.  First off, the binkie is so last week... and we've made some progress on the potty front too, quite a few trips have yielded results.  She'll go about 50% of the time, which means the other 50% end up in her diaper.  Problem is, she will not come to us when she's ready to go... we have to ask.  I've come to the conclusion that she knows exactly what the potty is for, but she will not go based on constant orders from her parents.... or various methods of negotiation.  No, this one probably knows how badly we want to get her on the potty and this is her form of dangling a carrot in front of her parents face!   If fact I believe that when she goes in her diaper, she is fully aware that the potty should be used instead... I just have a hard time believing otherwise, here's why.  Last week Maddie mentioned that she wanted to go back to dance class (link), note the time stamp on that blog post -- September. 

I probably should have provided an update to that post -- long story short -- her friend Brianna didn't come to class after week one, and then Maddie didn't want anything to do with it.  We tried going back for 2 more weeks, but she went into full blown meltdown mode within minutes of being in the class without a friend in there with her. 

Anyway, out of curiosity, I questioned her -- what was your teacher's name?  She answers:  Miss Manda!!  I couldn't believe it, now I could barely remember the teacher's name, and Maddie remembers a name from back in September... not to mention she really only met this teacher twice.  If she can remember a teacher's name from 6 months ago, I've gotta believe she remembers instructions for using the potty. 

As of today, we're not sure on our future plan of attack.  For some reason, I just do not think the old tricks in the book will assist us on the transition to the potty.  I must say though -- I look forward to these types of challenges -- and no doubt in my mind that our princess will be diaper-free within a month.

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