Sunday, January 31, 2010

Limbs Akimbo

Maddie received an MP3 player for Christmas which came preloaded with about 15 songs, and I listen to all of them at least 2-3 hours each day, I have to admit -- I rather enjoy a few of them... with my personal favorite, "Limbs Akimbo".

I sing along where I can, and then today I realized -- I had no clue what this song title even meant?  Foreign language maybe?  or just a word that's not in my arsenal?

With a 2-year-plus-8-month-old daughter and a 5 month old son, life can get kind of repetitive on the weekends, sort of a do-loop -- I am always looking for something new to do.  So I jumped at the exciting opportunity to further explore the word "Akimbo".  With a clear definition in hand, I could confidently sing along and teach my daughter at the same time.  Here you have it:

Akimbo:  is a human body position in which the hands are on the hips and the elbows are bowed outward, or bent/bowed in a more general sense

...and the song link to boot.  There's a flute solo in this one that puts Ron Burgundy to shame.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Keeping each other company

Maddie likes to keep her bro entertained while he's playing in his her exersaucer.

Saturday, January 23, 2010


For the past few weeks, Maddie has coined the term "Nanick".... and the best part is, only she knows what it means! Cathy and I have been trying to break the code on this word from day 1. We think it's related to a drink. Every now and then with her milk, she'll stop mid sip, and then blurt out -- "Nanick!".

When we ask her for a clear definition... no response. We honestly believe that she knows that we don't know, and she wants to keep it that way!

At one point, I thought I had decoded her elaborate word. Sometimes her sippy cup makes a squeaking noise when she's drinking it, and most of the time when it does, she'll say "Nanick!". Hence the definition of Nanick: squeaky noise generated from a sippy cup... but then she used her term without the squeaky noise present, and the speculation continued -- perhaps she's playing mind games with us.

Cathy's stab at the definition: bubbles, on top of a cup of milk. This one still has a chance, albeit a small one...

Just chillin'

Another pic from the floor. I was just thinking, we should probably take a pic when he's on his tummy with his head up all the way, or perhaps a shot with a smile... I'm sure the viewing audience would like to see something other than the blue blanket backdrop too. Some milestones to report:

Mom has started with the rice cereal, just getting him familiar with something different. The first two attempts were pretty standard, with most of the rice cereal ending up on his face -- only a matter of time before he actually starts to eat his solids.

Dylan is starting to reach out and grab things too... bottles, toys, Maddie's princess dress... he is really starting to interact a lot more.

I think he has his father's smile:

She's Back!

Today we're happy to report that our princess is back to her cheerful self.

For Christmas, Maddie got a popsicle maker from her Aunt Maggie and Crazy Uncle Ryan -- it's quite an impressive contraption. It will crank out 3 popsicles within 7 minutes of pouring the juice in -- it's fun, healthy, and fast -- perfect for a 2 year (and 7 months) old child.

I wish I remembered that we had this device a few days ago, when I made the unforgettable trip to Kroger for pre-made popsicles...

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Sick for the WEEK

When I wrote the last post, Maddie was taking her routine 2-4PM nap. She had just gone down -- no fever -- and was having a good old time before that. So midway through her nap, being excited that her fever was finally gone, I had decided to provide an update.

Long story short, she was NOT rounding the corner. She woke up with quite the fever. Took her to pediatrician for a 5:30PM appointment... by 7PM we were at outpatient for chest x-rays... by 8:30PM she officially had pneumonia in her left lung... by 9PM we had an antibiotic that we were hoping was the cure-all. Let's just say it was a stressful night, she woke up at 2AM with another high fever... we gave her some motrin, stayed up with her until she was back to normal, and then had a tough night's sleep.

There is very good news to report.... thankfully we are seeing some fantastic results from the antibiotic. When she woke up at 2AM Tuesday morning, that was her last fever. She is much more playful and staying hydrated... not much going on with her appetite though.

Maddie's going to be at home with us all week. We have a followup appointment on Friday for the official word.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Sick for the Weekend

Maddie caught a bug around 2AM Saturday morning. The fever has been on and off ever since... once the Motrin kicks in, she gets a sudden burst of energy and is quite the playful little chatterbox. But eventually, the medicine wears off and she ends up on the couch with popsicle in hand.

So this weekend, playoff football took a backseat to "Tinkerbell" and "Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs". Today we think she's rounding the corner and on her way to recovery.

Calisthenics Recommended

During Dylan's 4 month wellness visit, Mom mentioned that he favors his right side. Dylan has always slept with his head to the right, so now it takes some effort for him to turn his head to the left. Anyway, he was *diagnosed* with torticollis -- translation: stiff neck.

Our pediatrician, who we like, did recommend a few physical therapists in the area who could fix the minor issue. We set up an evaluation appointment, and now we are on to two sessions a week to stretch him out a bit.

I went to the evaluation last week, where they pretty much laid him on the ground in a play room and shook toys on his left side -- to see how much he could voluntarily turn his head to the left -- and then they showed me some exercises for us to do at home on him. Both of which we had already begun prior to the session. I remember Madison having issues turning her head at this age as well, we ended up (unknowingly) fixing her stiff neck ourselves before an official diagnosis could be made. Nonetheless, we will be headed to PT twice a week until he has his full range of motion. He's made a lot of progress in the past few days, and I suspect his stiff neck will be gone within a couple of weeks.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Which Way to the Gym?

Here's Dylan pressing 4 oz. with ease... one-handed!

Crazy Bowl Head

A couple weeks back Mom came up with this idea, and Maddie found it to be quite entertaining. Maddie keeps her toy vegetables in a large plastic bowl, and the bowl has now become a simple costume -- or perhaps just an outlet to go wild in our house.

Yesterday, while we were enjoying a quiet evening, Maddie thought it was the right time to bring back her clever (crazy) get-up. She quietly headed down the hall into her room, and then we heard the familiar noise of plastic toy vegetables spilling onto the floor -- Mom was waiting with camera in hand....