Sunday, November 29, 2009

Maddie - Recent Notable Highlights

While we were at our favorite coffee house one morning, in walks a "Stone Cold" look-a-like with a large tattoo on his neck:

Maddie (yelling out loud, while pointing directly at the man): Mom! Look at that, look at that picture there on that guy's neck!


Sleigh Ride was playing on the radio in the car: Giddy yup, giddy yup, giddy yup let's go. Let's look at the show...

At the same time, Maddie was singing her version: "Kiddy cup, kiddy cup, kiddy cup let's go.... this is the kiddy cup song!"

Mom decoded these lyrics, I had no idea what our princess was belting out at the time.


Maddie has learned to conquer the Animal Matching game on the iPhone all by herself.

...she also has been playing on the laptop more. We'll sit down together and pull up Google Images, and after we type in her request for an animal, favorite toy, or any other random item she's thinking of - - Maddie will then move the mouse over the image, click the button, and expand the picture all by herself.

1 comment:

Grandma said...

Maddie must be getting her lyrics from the same source as her cousins: Avery starts with "Shingle bells, shingle bells,..... Chelsea finishes with "know what fun it is to sing"
Should be a great sing-a-long when we all get together for Christmas!

Love this blog!!!