Wednesday, May 6, 2015


It's funny how often you hear that schools are providing too much homework for kindergartners, that it's too much too soon.  Quite the contrary, the homework is simple and repeated ad nauseam at same level for weeks, particularly math.  I think kids can quickly figure out how to add 1 to any number, let alone practicing it for weeks.

Dylan is the youngest and smallest kid in class, no issues socially or academically.  I remember one of his preschool teachers saying we should wait a year to send him to kindergarten.  After a year, it's clear that age is not a factor, in fact I've resorted to iPad apps for math to up the game.  Today he started multiplication and picked it up rather quickly, Maddie threw together above test (she took it easy on him) and he breezed through it in no time.  I know he could of been doing this months ago, I look at it as my fault for not putting the time in with him -- makes you think about priorities.

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