Sunday, March 25, 2012

Big boy bed

After a weeks' worth of hype, Friday night, we transitioned Dylan to a normal bed.  Now I had rule (after my first child) that I wouldn't do this until he could easily climb out of his crib -- why create sleepless nights for no good reason??  Actually, aside from some interesting midnight strolls, the transition for Madison was fairly seamless (click link).  The issue here was we kind of hinted at the idea with Little D about a week ago and the rest is history -- it was the talk of the house from the little guy all week, so there was no turning back. 

Friday night actually came and went with no hiccups, he stayed in bed the whole night -- in fact, Saturday night went very smooth as well!  Now, nap time was a different story --  far from a success.  Dylan would lay down for about 30 seconds and then make a running appearance around the house laughing -- this happened about 10 times in a row before we waved the white flag and officially canceled his afternoon snooze.  I'm sure we'll have some good late night stories in the near future since Little D  is always full of surprises, but for now, the whole family is enjoying uninterrupted sleep in our own beds.

1 comment:

Grandma said...

What a great photo of Dylan. He looks so happy in his new bed!