Sunday, February 12, 2012

Summer Breeze

Dylan is a bit more comfortable in the pool these days, he still won't navigate in the deep end yet -- but he does enjoy jumping in the shallow end.  We spent a solid 6 hours at the pool last weekend since it was close to 90 out.  With the hot weather comes heavy rain too, last Friday we got caught in a flash flood on the way home from work.  In 10 minutes it went from no rain to over a foot of water flowing over the road!  I could barely see where I was going, next thing I knew -- I was driving through a river, almost stuck!    Cathy wasn't so lucky -- she was about 10 minutes behind me, traffic was now stopped behind the river running over the road.  Fortunately Cathy was only stuck about 10 minutes before the flood waters came down and she could pass through.

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