Thursday, March 3, 2011

Artistic Skills

Maddie came back from school on Tuesday with a folder packed full of about 50 activities she completed in February  -- crafts, counting, folding, cutting, tearing, circle what you want to do when you grow up, etc.  I can already tell that it's enhancing her creative side. 

A couple of nights ago, Cathy was working with Madison on the magna-doodle -- Maddie was having fun tracing her hands and feet over and over again.  We stepped away to start getting ready for the kid's bathtime and returned to see the sketch of the pic above.  Maddie thought it would be funny to trace her bum!  I had her repeat this accomplishment again so I could snap a few pics.  Talk about creative, I didn't try that until I was in 6th grade!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Her father's daughter, for sure. Only so much more advanced!!!