Sunday, December 26, 2010

Patiently Waiting

Today was AJ's second birthday celebration, as usual we had a great time.  I think the presentation of the cake was most notable.  When the moment arrived for everyone to sing -- silence.  We had to hold off until an Aunt returned back to the house after taking a dog for a walk.  To the Aunt's defense, she did travel hundreds of miles for this celebration -- however keep in mind that all kids had already jockeyed for position around the table and were anxiously awaiting the song and delicious cake to follow.  Approximately 5 minutes went by, 2 birthday songs (one with, and one without, Aunt), and 1 birthday boy who could no longer keep a happy face.  One thing I have learned with kids and waiting -- patience levels are measured in seconds, not minutes.

AJ cheered up once he had treat in hand.  Happy Birthday AJ!

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