Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Changing Fast

Dylan's first tooth starting coming through last week at 0Y9Ms,  Madison was approximately 0Y8Ms old for her first tooth (see link).  I can't remember if she had any issues with teething other than constant drool.  To the best of my knowledge it wasn't so bad, not much waking up in the middle of the night, etc...  hopefully the same goes for Little D.  Anyway, this guy is starting to change quickly too.  Yesterday he sat up on his own, I'm sure we're getting close to the crawling stage.  Let me tell you this guy is going to get his hands into everything too.  At this age Madison was content with one toy and really wouldn't need much else to keep her happy.  Dylan on the other hand, grabs everything in site!  Fun times ahead for sure, I can't wait until Maddie and Dylan can start playing together.

1 comment:

Grandma said...

Can't wait to see Dylan crawl! Expecting a video. By the way, little boys usually are more hands on. Take it from someone who knows. But still easier than more verbal girls. Good Luck!