Madison waking up in the middle of the night -- putting her night light away -- shutting off her humidifier -- turning on her light -- and then passing out in the middle of her room on the floor... only to be discovered when we wake up to feed Dylan at 3AM.
Dylan starting to grab toys that are within his reach... and it's very easy to make the little guy laugh now too.
Dad forgetting to put his belt on before work.
Mom and Maddie spending quality time making treats... popsicles, cupcakes, cookies.
And for the big game tonight, I plan on doing nothing.... sure it will be on in the background, but it will be nothing more than noise combined with the playroom that once was our living room. Why should I pretend to care about a game that doesn't involve the Bills, or feel the need to critique the multi-million dollar commercials that everyone for some reason has to talk about at work tomorrow... I'll be happily singing kids songs in my living room while this over-hyped game goes down in the history books.
What beautiful children! And, yes, I am completely objective. But most of all, they look so happy- probably because mom spends time making treats & dad is brilliant enough to know what's important & sings with his kids.
I have seen mom bake cookies....but grandma is right they are such sweet and beautiful children....see you soon love, nana..
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