Friday, September 4, 2009

Baby Dylan Arrives!

What a day! Dylan was born on 9/4 at 8:24AM. 7lbs. 4oz... the exact same weight as his older sister - - and he is 20in., only a half inch shorter than her too. Everyone is doing great.

Maddie certainly loves her new brother, we have 2 more nights away from our house until we can head back - - but Maddie is really enjoying the company of her Grandma and Uncle Jeremy when she is not visiting at the hospital. I stopped at home tonight to put the Princess down to sleep - - she sent her goodnight wishes to her new bro:


Anonymous said...

What an absolutely beautiful baby. Good night Maddie...Love Nana

michele, Cailee, AJ said...

Oh--- I can't wait to meet the little one. The fun begins