Saturday, February 16, 2008

Almost Mobile!

Madison hasn't been this bundled up in a home since she last visited Rob and Michele C's house! She didn't pull herself up, but if we give her a little boost she'll ham it up for the camera.

Up until last week, Maddie was content just sitting in one spot on the floor and crying if the toys didn't make their way over to her. Then out of nowhere, she decided to start sitting up on her own... and now she's starting to crawl in small doses! Making about 3 movements forward before she gets a little scared, and then sits back up. It looks like in a couple of weeks she's going to be roaming about! Time to baby proof the house!


Unknown said...

You might be needing to baby proof - however it seems there's a lot of baby stuff in the background to keep her interested! Either you're an excellent photographer,or she's a very happy baby. I'll choose to believe that she's content.

Proud Grandma

DanF said...

It's not my photography skills... I'm sure one of the other family members, whose name I will not mention, would have some comments about the lighting and angles.

Unknown said...

You might be correct! That other family member always seems to have a comment.

It might be easy to take care of Maddie now. It'll be a different story when she starts moving around.

michele, Cailee, AJ said...

Very funny Dan!! We are nice and toasty in our 65 degree home.