Sunday, May 18, 2014

Madison's first piano recital

Madison started playing piano in January, here's her first recital.  She's doing a good job picking it up, plus it's a good opportunity to boost Maddie's comfort level in front of larger audiences.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Mother's Day 2014

Weather was perfect for Mother's day.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Easter Trip

We visited WNY for Easter.... it was one of my worst weekend experiences while visiting the family.  You see, 4 days before we left, Dylan had a stomach bug which led to digestive issues not worth describing here on the blog.  By the time we were ready to leave for Buffalo, he was cleared for travel (by Furlani family medical team -- Mom & Dad) and the trip was authorized as a "go".

Long story short, about two hours after our arrival to Buffalo, the bug struck -- me!  I was pretty much useless, although I did make it to a mini-putt excursion mid-day Saturday.  I wasn't at the top of my game either, due to onset of severe illness, leading to a rough back nine.

Later that night, Cathy got hit with the virus as well.  Good news is, the kids seemed to enjoy each others' company the whole time and had a blast.

So we left around noon Easter Sunday, and by Monday morning the entire WNY branch of the family was on the floor.  So to sum it up, we traveled from MI to WNY, successfully importing a highly contagious virus across the border, and spent a good portion of our time laying on the couch.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Plenty to sea

Pics from the aquarium in Chicago, definitely the best one I have ever been too.  Sharks, dolphins, whales... good stuff.