Monday, August 27, 2012

Indoor Pool

There's a nice recreation center down the street from where we live now, so we decided to check out the indoor pool -- they actually have a huge outdoor waterpark, but we kept to the inside for our first visit.  I think this place will be great particularly during the winter months.  My only issue was the huge list of rules: no swimmies, no going down the slide on your belly, no going down the slide backwards, no going down the slide together, no going down the big slide (even with the kids on your lap), and on -- and on.  The slide pictured above was made of foam and it went into 1 foot of water, seriously, you would have to put forth solid effort to to even score a tiny bruise on this one.  In Brazil, for a place like this, there would be one rule:  watch your kids! 

All that being said, the kids loved it here and we will be going back.  There were a few other areas of the pool where the kids could play, I just didn't have my camera in hand.  In fact, there was a section in the pool where buckets of water would randomly drop over your head.  Cathy, who tried to keep her hair dry the entire time, walked right into the trap -- it looked like a scene straight out of a comedy film, but alas, I wasn't ready with the camera.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

First Tigers game for both kids

Waiting for the fireworks to start -- Maddie spotted "Paws", the Tigers mascot.  Usually she is not a fan of people dressed up in costume, but at 100ft. altitude he's not so intimidating.

 Maddie waving down Paws, trying to get him to wave at us.

The kids made it until the end for the fireworks -- surprisingly, Madison is a much bigger fan of fireworks than Dylan.

This is how Dylan watched about a quarter of the fireworks. He would peak to check them out and then cover back up, he is still warming up to all of the noise they make.

Sold out game on a Saturday night at Comerica Park with a concert going on at the same time at Ford Field.  We were warned about the potential traffic, compared to Sao Paulo, it was a piece of cake!  The weather was perfect and we enjoyed all of the overpriced treats at the game.  Unfortunately the Tigers lost 3-2, but a fun time was had by all.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Weekend trip back to WNY

We needed to first teach Dylan what the bat was for...

Hellllo!?  Pitch the ball!

On our way home, crossing the Rainbow Bridge.

They both passed out within the first 15 minutes of the car ride home.

We went to visit our family back in WNY for a couple days.  Maddie and Dylan were excited to spend some time with their cousins that used to be 5,000 miles away, and I was happy to have Buffalo chicken wings waiting for me at the door when I arrived (and happy to see my family too).  We took it easy for the most part while the kids played the entire time.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Backyard friends

This one has been spotted three times already since we've moved in -- we did see a couple of the younger ones on the day before, but didn't have the camera in my holster.

Friday, August 3, 2012

New Park

This gem of a park is about 2 miles from our new house.  I have to say, I love our new place -- particularly the location to everything.