Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Foz do Iguaçu - the actual falls

Nature at its best, these falls seem to go on forever!  Very spectacular, I took a ton of pics.  The safety standards aren't quite the same as in Niagara Falls, if you want to take a speed boat trip near where the falls take a nosedive -- it's available.  Additionally, the walk ways are about as close as you can get to roaring water.  I was very impressed with the scenery, more so than Niagara Falls -- Iguacu actually has 3 times the water capacity compared to Niagara (so I was told by our tour guide).

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Foz do Iguaçu - Vacation

We took a weekend trip with Grandma in town to Iguaçu Falls, these are a few of the pics from the bird park (Parque das Aves).  I have about 500 pictures to sort through, so plenty more to follow -- I just need to find some time. 

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Maddie's 5th

Maddie celebrated her 5th birthday party in true Brazilian fashion, with planned events from start to finish -- fun time was had by all!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

It was supposed to be the perfect ride

Maddie and her brother getting ready for their trip.

...about to head off into the sunset...

...everything is going perfect, quality brother and sister time...

...then, the exhaust system suddenly gets clogged, the engine backfires... a frightened sister yells while her younger brother chuckles.

...the older sister, with a very weak stomach, struggles to breathe for the rest of the trip as the polluted air cannot be avoided -- while Dylan, unfazed by the mishap, keeps the situation under control and helps to alleviate his sister's concerns until the ride officially comes to a close.

Little D at the Festa

Dylan was all over the place having a great time with just about everything. 

Taking the stage

Maddie's class danced to a few songs during Festa Junina.  I took quite a bit of video -- maybe I'll get around to uploading it on youtube... there's also some video of me on stage with Madison, this of course will not hit any viewing forum for the public.