Monday, June 29, 2009

Pappa razzi!

While we were at the park this past weekend, Cathy took some candid photos from a distance - - I realized that we're barely in any pictures with Maddie. My goal over the next few months is to take some quality family pics. We'll see if I'm a man of my word....

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Birthday Month??

We took another trip back to Buffalo for a quick visit, and to attend another colossal sized birthday party at the C's house -- it was Cailee's big day, two years old! Everyone had a blast, and how couldn't they- - a cake prepared by a personal baker, a bounce house, the smorgasbord of food to choose from, and company that provided hours of entertainment into the late hours of the night -- yes, the C's know how to throw a party.

Maddie had an added surprise as well - the C's invited our family over and had a surprise birthday for Madison too! This event took Madison's birthday celebration into the four week range!

Happy Birthday(s)! Cailee and Maddie quickly dug in...

We took the kids to the play museum in Rochester, tons of stuff to do there - unbelievable. This, by far, was the most fun - watch Maddie's graceful dance moves, I'm not sure who she inherited them from....
Cailee really has a lot of fun dancing, she helped teach Maddie some of her own dance steps.
They had a mini-Wegman's to shop at, the kids loved it! It even had a checkout area to unload the groceries. Maddie loaded up on her usual faves: fruit and popsicles.

Maddie also spent a good portion of time chasing around her favorite cat.... again.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

The Sippy Cup

While Maddie was playing in the living room today, we heard her calling for a sippy cup... to our surprise, she was grabbing a vase with two handles on it -- that was the size of her!! Not even I am clever enough to draw a similar correlation, but our little princess never ceases to amaze us. We just started laughing, too funny.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

2 Years Old!

Our little princess has enjoyed a long celebration, with plenty of gifts arriving in the mail each day for the past couple of weeks... which was perfect, seeing how this year we limited her gifts to just a few toys - - we ended up getting her a small tricycle that she loves.

She had a small celebration with her Nana, a daycare pizza party, play date with her friends... and next week we are hitting up the zoo.

Madison and Isabella both wanted to go outside after the cake.