Monday, November 24, 2008

The Little Artist

Madison isn't shy about showing off her special aptitude in artistry... she sure loves her crayons.

She doesn't limit her artistic skills to just paper and coloring books either... I think she is trying to tell me something here. Unfortunately the crayons are washable, and this low cost hair replacement came off in the shower.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Happy Halloween!

It was Madison's first Halloween out of the house. It was also 'orange and black day' at daycare, and mom choose a nice outfit to kick off the festivities...

We decided to go with Minnie (she loves her Minnie doll at home) - - and Minnie has made its way into Madison's expanded 20+ word vocabulary.

Next house!

After an hour of trick-or-treating, which included a grand total of 3 houses, we decided to come back home. Somebody thought outside was still the better option, as indicated by her cute hand gesture.

We quickly grabbed our candy supply to divert her attention - - funny how soon she forgets with sweets in front of her. She loved her kit-kat, we gave her a half a stick.