Sunday, September 28, 2008

Blake's Cider Mill

Maddie and her friends took a trip to the cider mill yesterday, perfect weather, everyone had a good time.

Maddie already started looking for her Halloween pumpkins...

Maddie, Ethan, and Isabella - just lounging. You should have heard the moms during this photo shoot - quite the scene. The kids were definitely entertained.

Why are we stopped, keep this wagon rolling. We've got places to be!

A Hallmark moment:

Not quite strong enough to move this... it sure "tired" her out!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

A Day at the Park

We took Maddie to the park over the weekend, she sure loves to roam around.

Hey, wait for me!

Maddie took the shortcut...

Maddie and Daddy

Maddie and Mommy

Here she is, just taking it all in... very peaceful. Don't fall for it, she's a good actress.